Friday, 15 June 2012

The landing!

I never imagined that while playing SWTOR I would be drawn back to playing Guild Wars! Diving back into the game was just brilliant and it was at this time that I started hearing alot about Guild Wars 2. So I began searching for all the content I could find, from Youtube to blogs to GW Wiki, which at the time only seemed to hint at things going on. It was when the closed beta happened and new footage started coming out that I really got on the bandwagon!.......and I don't plan on getting off!

Together with millions of other players I pre-purchased the game, 10th April and have taken part in both Beta Weekends and the stress test and now can honestly say that I am hooked - line and sinker! I have never been so drawn in by a game before. I've gone as far as to read up as much as I can about the lore, going through every part of the Wiki, both of GW and GW2 and even bought the books, Ghosts of Ascalon and Edge of Destiny, which I thoroughly enjoyed and recommend them to all who haven't read them yet. If you want a short history of who's-who and what's-what or you're just like me, crazy about GW and Gw2, then these are the ones for you. Now I'm sitting back waiting for the third installment, Sea of Sorrows, which, I think, will nicely round things off.

One of the fun things I enjoyed doing in both beta weekends was exploring and finding the old remains of Tyria or revamped areas that I could recognise.
Lion's Arch before and after.

......and the fun one was coming across the Wizard's Tower and then going back to GW, travelling back to the Kessex Hills just to make sure that it was the same one. Absolutely fabulous!
TheWizard's Tower in Wizard's Fief, Kessex Hills
Guild Wars 2 is a snapshot waiting to happen and I want to be there to snap every one of them!

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